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 Service Packages

Flexible and predictable pricing planes for your extended family

We provide group and individual daily dogs walking that are tailored to fit you and your dog’s needs. During the dog walking booking, your sitter will walk and engage with your dog on a safe.


Solo Walks

  • 1hour $20 per walk
  • 45min $18 per walk
  • 30min $15 per walk
  • 20min $10 per walk


Group Walks

  • 1hour $13 per walk
  • 45min $12 per walk
  • 30min $10 per walk
  • 20min $8 per walk
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 Service Appointment

Book Now An Appointment

    Qual serviço você precisa?

    HospedagemCrecheBanho e TosaAdestramento

    Quais datas você precisa?

    Para qual horário?


    Our Awesome Team

    Booking a dog walker with EpicPaws is easy and safe in three easy steps.

    Don’t miss this amazing big events conference and opportunities!

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